Blog Of The Month
Oh weekend is coming again... I hate weekend!!! If you are my loyal reader then you should know why... Today my class ended at 5!!! After attending the Ajax software talk, I felt so tired...when I reach home, the first thing I did was go and open my blog see whether there are people leave me a message or not... Yeah!!! I got an award from Wilson which is (Blog of the Month)!!! Cool man!!! Thanks Wilson!!!
So now, it is my turn to choose somebody as the "Blog Of The Month"
1) Apple, . A 23-year-old ordinary girl stay at Kuching, Malaysia! I already forgot when I saw this blog! But one thing I can confirm is, she is one of my loyal reader!!!2)Cherry, she is Apple's sister! Both of them just move their blog from Blogger to Wordpress! And also having their own doiman and hosting now. I like the design of her blog, she is a creative girl!!!
3)Kenneth, a very handsome blogger that I meet for a couple weeks ago!!! We always play dota together, he is so "noob" who play dota before must know what is "noob" stand for. We learn from each other, sometime I help you, sometime he helps me! You know what I mean la Kenneth don't you???4)Jamilla, a Female blogger from Philippine, we still do not know much from each other!!! But I know that she can speak many languages, for instance, English, Malay, Chinese, Hokkien, and of course her country's language!!!
For those who I didn't mention here doesn't mean I don't like you. It is because I lazy to list out all the blogger... I apologize here!!! Again Happy Blogging!!!
eeeeeeeee....THANKS FOR THE AWARD!
LOVE IT SO MUCH~ First time receive award for my blog! THANKS YA!
Wow..thank you very much Darren. I love this award.
Im Chinese and Im from Brunei!!!! not filpino laaa!!
Haiyooo!!! Do I look like Filipino????
Im Hokkien!! I dont think I can say I can speak many language yooo...English and Mandarin are very common here and Hokkien of course my dialet la ...Malay not so la ...I seldom speak ...only to my close friend...sikit sikit boleh la ...mostly speak malay-english together. Nice!
I nearly wanna laugh out of my chair when u mentioned Im FILIPINO!!! So funny la U Darren.
I also dunno why u will think of me and present the award to me. Hahaha....
Anyway thanks for ur awards. I believe everything happens for a reason. U give me this awards and that's must be something underlying, of course not you know me too well or my blog is very nice. It's just that the way I connect with u by leaving comment on ur blog or maybe you look at the way I blog for myself does attract you to give this award, right???
Just say YES, ok darren? After saying so-much, if ur reaction is like shake ur head responsed as NO, i will be probably find a hole to hide myself there. Give some face lah!!!
Ok it sounds that Im on 1 to 1 conversation. Responsing to myself. Hehe!
Lastly, I really love the way phrase ur sentence. For eg. Yeah!!! Cool Man!!! Its like u r really talking to ur reader by ur own slang. Pretty good man! "Just the way uhuh! I like it!" <-- Singing phrase. HEHE!
[Cherry] There are many awards waiting for you cherry!!! Keeping moving forward!!!
[Apple] You are welcome!!! you worth for it...
[Jamilla] What a long comment@_@ @_@ @_@
since you wrote a very long comment for me, so my can not disagree with you, my answer is YES!!! Now you no need go and find a hole to hide your head anymore... happy??? I am always very kind to my reader... By the way hahahahahahahahahhaha.... I am so sorry, I thought you are Filipino...=_= sorry about that. But you really look a bit like Filipino hahaha Just joking...^_^
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