I am back from Cameron Highland
Hi guys!!! I just came back from Cameron Highland! Since last week I got a week holiday, so I decided to go back my hometown!!! I didn't go back for a quite long time!!! And now I just would like to show you all some picture that I've taken during the time I was enjoying my holiday at Cameron Highland!This is the food you gotta try when you visit there!!! I strongly suggest you go and try!!! You can add on those fish ball too!!! It is so delicious!!!
Hahaha!!! I am setting on a Land Rover!!! There are many Land Rover at Cameron Highland, this kind of Lang Rover is a bit different with those luxury Land Rover ^_^ However Cameron Land Rover is so powerful!!! Contact me when you visit here, I fetch you go climbing!!!
Woah...the food look so delicious ==
Feel like wanna have a bite =P
cameron got place to go climbing meh?
[Kelvin] Haha because I am the cook lah!!! of course delicious la!!
[3point8] My god... if Cameron got no place to climb then Pulau Redang got no place to swim...=_= there are a lot of place that we can go climbing at Cameron!!! Some of them are very famous, many foreign people like climbing at Cameron!!!
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