A couple days ago, I was rushing all my assignment for Apiit. There three assignments have to submit within two weeks. One is programming, one is Multimedia, and the other one is Computer Architecture. It was so amazing! I mean my life within these two weeks, I only sleep 4 or 5 hours per days for these two weeks. The Multimedia, require us to draw a story board in our documentation, what the hell is that? We are just like studying art in Lim Kok Weng! Draw ler!!! You know my drawing skill is like shit. Now you ask me go and draw a storyboard like a comic!!! My goodness!!! But finally I did it! Although my drawing skill is not that good, but I am still satisfy with it! So how about the programming part? Actually the module is called DBDS, something like Database structure, we need to implement our program by using C! This is so tough for me! My hair become white color after I complete the program! Computer Architecture is quite easy, just need to do some research online, and you know lah BLUFF!!! the is important! I finished it within four hours!!!
Alright, after completed all our assignments! My friends and I decide to go somewhere have fun and relax. So finally my friend suggest to go karaoke at Puchong Newway! That's sound cool! I mean I never been to Karaoke, and I like singing too. This is the best chance to let me spear out all my stress and also show people my singing skill...hahaha I am just joking, actually I really can not sing well. One of my friend say my (五音不全) means my sound is like a Crow!!! How dare he said that!!! Don't he knows my brother is JJ (林俊杰)^_^
Ok let's get back to the tittle, we depart from Bukit Jalil at 7.30 something, when we turn into the highway, this was what we saw! Terrible traffic jam!!!

Finally, we reached Newway around 8:15 . Suppose we only need to take about 15 minutes to reach here! Because of traffic jam, so we were late, and I felt so hungry! When we stepped in to the building, I saw there are many different kind of food!! Sushi, Hotdog, Steak, Fish, Crab, Bread, Ice-cream, Dim sum, Noodle, Cakes, Satay so on and so on! This time, I really can not tahan anymore! I faster went to take a plate and start robing my favorite!!!
This was what we've had for our dinner at that night! Actually there more plates there, because of the waiter there is so hard working, always came into our room and collect those plates! So when our stomach were full, we start Singing (Choung K, this vocabulary created by cisco)!! You know what, the moment I start to sing, I really can not stop myself! just like a machine gun Bang!!! Bang !!! Bang !!! Non stop!!! Unbelievable!!!

From the left: Cisco (my classmate+friend+cousin), Elaine (just know her for a couple days, sipeh gao eat), Jeniffer (Jeff's girlfriend, very quiet =_=), Yuki (same as Elaine, new intake from Apiit, sipeh gao sing), Me ^_^
After took some pictures, we decided to take some different style of picture! Ultraman is here!!! Cisco, your pose look so lame =_=

Wow!!! so kawwayi, actually we want girls to pretend Ultraman, but they said the pose is so ugly, then no choice lor, Cisco said he volunteers to become Ultraman!

This picture is funny too, look at Jeff, He is so pro to pretend anybody! Alright! that is all!!!