Let's keep our Earth green!!!
Everybody are talking about Global Warming now, It is really a serious case that occurring around us. We have to face this problem seriously and look for the solutions. Today I would like to introduce you a way that can keep your place GREEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!You could get a USB Greenhouse to give some life to your computer, or you could go the cheaper, grosser route of just growing some plants in your keyboard.
Seriously... I won't do this stupid thing...haha
yee, where got people grow plants like that one..look so..gerli...~~~
sure the keyboard can input what he type ka? lol...
walau yeah, that's for real ar? Er yeah... that's stupid... Plant a tree please!!!
wtf that is sooooooo yucky man!!!
imagine typing on your keyboard with slimy plants all over...and the smell of the bacteria!!!
err... thanks. but no thanks!
haha all of you seem like do like to plant tree???
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