The Best Magician in the world???
Hahaha... The best magic I haven seen in my entire life...Fantastic!!!
Hahaha... The best magic I haven seen in my entire life...Fantastic!!!
Posted by
9:22 PM
Labels: Funny, Life style
Erm...I don't know the above calculation whether is correct or not, because I never learned this before. What you say??? Let me know your own answer...+_+
Posted by
7:19 PM
Labels: Life style
Hey guys, a good announcement for you. You get to actually drive in the tofu car from the Initial D series with now cost you three or four can also ride in a Subaru Impreza WRX and Mazda RX-7 (also featured in the show). If only their Boong-Ga Boong-Ga game was so realistic
Posted by
1:58 PM
Labels: Internet, Life style
Are you a guy who don't like to take photo because you can't smile properly.Ya, I also have the same problem as you guys. Fortunately, it's a solvable problem. Simply stick this piece of rubber in your mouth that forces you to smile, and in a matter of days you're sure to have a smile that won't be so revolting to those around you. Although, I don't know whether this Japanese product useful or not, however hopefully I can get it at Malaysia hehe^_^
Posted by
6:53 PM
Labels: Life style
I don't know whether you guys have seen it before or not, but it is really funny... Check it out!!!
At the end we can only present this video to Digi.
Posted by
11:07 PM
Labels: Funny, Life style
Here is a step-by-step guide demonstrating how to fold the best paper plane in the world. This should provide you with hours of fun for those boring days at work. Enjoy it!!!
Posted by
6:11 PM
Labels: Life style
It seem like many people are interested about ooVoo, how can I describe this Shareware, It just like any other messenger, such as MSN and Skype. But this software is better than previous messenger, I think you guys already got the idea about the functions of ooVoo at my last post, it contains creative design, much features and high technology, I can only say that, it is CooooooL
For more information about ooVoo you can visit its website click here
p/s: I already add my ooVoo on my blog, you guys can simple click the ooVoo template at the slide bar.
Posted by
2:40 PM
Labels: Internet, Software/Hardware
Posted by
1:32 PM
Labels: Internet, Software/Hardware
It is funny, I first time see such a terrible goalkeeper...+_+
Posted by
10:26 PM
It must be Mac Hacking day because here's another Apple exploit hot off the presses. Some other hackers have found an exploit in the Safari browser on the iPhone. A hacker could throw a website up with the evil code that will give them full control to an iPhone.
This lets them do things like record the audio from the room the iPhone is in, see the text messages sent, check search history in the browser and Google Maps, and so on...
Posted by
6:31 PM
Labels: Mobile phone
Can you imaging , if one day, you see a group of Zombie walk on the street??? What would you do??
Posted by
6:18 PM
Labels: Internet, Life style
Hey guys, do you still remember that I have posted a article about "Your Road To Stardom" last time? This contest look for two smart individuals who is ready to become a star celebrity with characteristics of an ideal host, brand ambassador and model. Unfortunately I am not ready yet, but what about you guys??? There are 60 participators' picture of StarCeleb shown below:
Alright, if you already missed to participate in this interesting contest, it's doesn't matter. Now there is an upcoming StarCeleb roadshow will be held at 1 Utama & Berjaya Times Square, so what are you waiting for?? let's go supporting them.
Posted by
3:09 PM
Labels: Event/Contest, Life style
To all Apiitian TPDOF0605:
Hey guys, Because of I could not Photostat for you each a copy, so I've uploaded here. Please get your Malaysian Studies Exam Tips here.
1)"kenegaraan Malaysia' is a study about history, social, culture, politics and economy of Malayisa
2)Pre-historic time arrangement are Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age.
3)The earliest people in Malaysia are Natives.
4)The Negrito and Senoi Natives are from Mesolithic.
5)There are two sources regarding Malaca Sultanate; one source is"Sejarah Melayu", and the author of this book is Tun Sri Lanang.
6)The following are factor for the existence and growth if Malaccan Sultanate in 15th and 16th century:
i) the role and intelligence of the ruler and administrator
ii) good location to east and west
iii)recognition by Chinese Empires towards Malaca
7. Sultan has several responsibilities:
i)leader of army
ii)religious head
iii)head of goverment
8. The government of Malacca was formed by parameswara
9. The colonization of Malacca by the Portuguese has resulted the following:
i) the changes in social and political system
ii) the rights of Malays in economic will be jeopardist
ii) Sultan of Malacca can rule the country if he got permission from
10. According to Malaysian history, Malaya was ruled for 466 years.
11. The following are the rule and regulation in Anglo-Dutch Treaty 1824:
i) The Dutch recognized Singapore as of British empire
ii) The hand over of Bengkulen in Sumatera to the Dutch by British
iii) The hand over of Malacca to the British by Dutch
12. British has ruled the longest in Malaya.
13. The Straits Settlements are Pulau Pinang, Malacca, Singapore
14. The Federated Malay states are Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembiran and Pahang.
15. The Unfederated Malay states are Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu
16. The Northern states are Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu
17. The Residential System was introduced in Malacca because British wanted to implement
the system of intervention
18. The Formation of Federated Malay states(FMS), was actually an idea from Sir Frank
19. The first Resident of Perak J.W.W. Brich.
20. The Residential System:
i) British Residents changed the ruling system in Malaya
ii) A Resident was a British represntative, who was given the power to take any
action to achieve British interest.
21. The person who was responsible for Al-Imam was Syed Syeikh Al-Hadi.
22. The first Governor of Malayan Union(MU) was Sir Edward Gent.
23. UMNO was formed the unite the Malays in order to compete with foreigner.
24. The Emergency in Malaya lasted from 1948-1960
25. The name of the coalition that first saw the cooperation between the Malays and the
non-Malays against the British rule in the Malaya is Putera-AMCJA
26. Dato Onn Jaafar Officially established UMNO on the 11th of May 1946.
John Thivy
27. Malayan Indian Congress(MIC) was established on 8th Agust 1946 and its first President
was John Thivy
28. Below are the factors that stirred up the spirit of Merdeka's struggle:
i) British's defeat in Malaya
ii) Lessons from experience during Japanese rule
iii) Opposition towards Malayan Union
iv) Rights and Positions of the Malay rules
29. Malaya achieved its Independence on 31th August 1957.
30. The Federation of Malaysia formed on the 16th September 1963 includes the federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. Burnei was a potential member of Mlaysia backs out at the last month
31. The Federation of Malaysia established on 16th September 1963 comprises 14 states.
32. Election is held in Malaysia every 5 years once.
33. Federation Lists, States Lists & Joint Lists are refers to the lists of power separation between the federal government and the state government. The above concept can be regarded as a rule in the form of federation.
34. JalurGemilang is the name of the Malaysian Flag.
35. Singapore withdrew from the Federation of Malaysia in the year 1965.
36. The term "Malays"According to the Federal constitution of Malaysia must fulfill three criteria: Speaking Malay, Following Malay customs, Embrace The Islamic religious faith.
37. Approval letter or "River Letter"issued to a headman(kangcu)by the Malay ruler of Johore.
38. Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism are important systems of beliefs and religions in Malaysia.
39. National Intergration mean a form of cultural intergratinon in the process of creating a multi racial society but maintaining individual identity.
40. The eligible age to vote in Malaysia is 21 years old.
Posted by
7:38 PM
Labels: College stuff
There is a singer's getting famous in Malaysia. I believe that you guys have already heard or watched his song on Youtube, he is 明志. Erm... I don't know whether he has English or not, but whatever lah, as long as I know everybody called him as 明志. One of his famous song is 麻坡的華語, after he posted it on Youtube and it attracted many people come and listen to his song. There are many people leave their comments and support him... Nowadays there is another song uploaded to Youtube, which is 我愛我的國家 Negarakuku(2007大馬觀光年主題曲), and finally it causes he arrested by Malaysia Police. Before this, he has performed several songs at 海螺 restaurant, please check it out at below...
1)One night stand
3)麻坡的華語 (忘詞版)
Posted by
5:52 PM
Labels: Life style
Oh... come on, Why those elder people like to say that I am always spending money huh!? and why always compare me with those people who are so clever and smart. Please don't ever think about it again!!!!!I am not that kind of person anymore!!! Please use your out of date brand and think about it... I am 20 year's old now...I'm not a child!! I completely know what I'm doing right now!!! Please keep your eye fresh!!! Don't try to disturb my way of life...I can do it my way!!!
Obviously, Gary is an absolutely fantastic singer...You are the man Gray!!!
Posted by
4:47 PM
Labels: I got something to talk, Life style
Wau...It is the second time I changed my blog skin, sorry about that,it is because, I do not like the previous skin very much, it's not my cup of tea. So finally, I changed it again, so what you are looking at is my whole new skin!!! Yeah!!! Hopefully I won change it anymore.
The last three weeks were damn busy..I've completed four Assignment, three Presentation and two test within this three weeks... rush till I could not breath at all... Apiit's life was so amazing!!!It make me so exciting!!! +_+ No wonder, many student continuous leave Apiit. Swt....Last night, my classmate and I went to theater watched "DIE HARD 4.0". It is pretty good action movie for you guys who like about computer technology, hacking and action...After I watched this movie, I was thinking about, there is no more suitable title for this movie(DIE HARD) haha... Aren't you agree with me too??? the actor really hard to die la!!!
Posted by
3:16 AM
Labels: Life style, Monthly movie
Do you have your own blog?? Do you blog ever day??Alright, there is an opportunity to get pay when you write an feedback or review for particular products and services I would like to introduce this site Bloggerwave.
Bloggerwave is a new program that pays bloggers to write review of products and services. I signed up for last two weeks. Finally I was approved by Bloggerwave, and now I got an opportunity to write review for Bloggerwave. I can get up to $10 for an review, it looks sound good! I hope you guys will find out the great things of Bloggerwave
Posted by
11:37 PM
Labels: MakingMoney Online
Emailcashpro is the first "Get pay to read email"community portal in Singapore and is now expanding its reach to Malaysia, Philippines, US, UK and other parts of the world!!
I've had joined as their member since last month, and I fond that it was amazing!!! I already got a large amount of members sign in as my referral. Moreover, Emailcashpro also given me bonus $5 as their Gold member. Hurry up sign in now immediately. Click Here
Posted by
10:06 PM
Labels: MakingMoney Online
Johnny Depp were impressed by the 4 Japanese kids, why? Watch to find out!
Even I’m amazed by the kids, because all of them can play keyboard at such a young age, best part is, they can perform while playing the keyboard on a rotation basis!
They were so into the performance, you can really nod your head while watching the kids playing the keyboards!
What a gag!
Posted by
3:13 AM
Labels: Life style
I just went to the Putra Staduim to watch the Marching Band Competition last Sunday, some of my friends come from Cameron Highlands, they're coming here to watch the competition too.
Posted by
6:34 PM
Labels: Event/Contest, Life style sister went back hometown two days ago... I feel a bit lonely in these couple days, and the main problem is nobody cook dinner for me...last night I took my dinner at home(Cintan Mee), what am I going to eat tonight?? I really lazy to cook la..and I do not wanna eat Cintan Mee again!!!! God help me please!!!! Finally I decided to go out have my dinner...Yeah!!!On the way to Mamak...(Alone) zzzz
Having my lovely Milo ais at Mamak...
After having my dinner, then I straight away go back my home...on the way...I passed by Bukit Jalil national stadium...and I saw there is a concert around there...many people are getting crazy there...I wonder what concert is that...I was interested about that, so I just turn my car into the car park...the car park fee cost me rm2... I though it is free haha... After that, I just get down my cat and walked in there....Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know what happening here???? I am the only Chinese around here!!!!!!!!! all people are Malay!!!!!!! I felt very very freaking seem like I was walking at other foreign countries.....I really get you know it is hard to find a Chinese person here...At first, I really wanna get back my home...I cant stay here for one minute...But I finally, I didn't...Because I cant waste my car pay fee(rm2)... So..I just continue walked around there...Many Malay were gathering there...I'm really afraid when I'm taking picture there, their eyes look like want to punch you...It is like mission impossible...haha...
DJ.....also is Malay....
Camera man...also is Malay...
VIP seats.... all Malay.....zzzzz
Two waiters..... there are not Malay haha...but look like Indonesians...
Do you know when is the World Environment Day??Ya It is today 07th July 2007, a special day, ...I finally just knew that the purpose of the concert is to celebrate World Environment Day...and the main sponsor is TM...No wonder Chinese never known this...
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: Life style
That's what we call dance...
Posted by
6:47 PM
Labels: Dance, Life style
Do you know what can you do with iphone? to communicate with people?? SMS?? video call??
taking picture and video??? what else??? There are still a lot of functions and options come with iphone that you never ever know...Please check it out...
Posted by
5:40 PM
Labels: Life style, Mobile phone